Liverpool Daily Post (Merseyside ed.) from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)

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Liverpool Daily Post (Merseyside ed.)i

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Liverpool Daily Post Saturday January 28 1961 Father for trial TANYA IS TRANSFERRED TO A KREMLIN JOB rp4Y4 SUBAYOVA was disillusioned with the Communist before MEN OF DESTINY fir Stephen regime even she learned that her fiancK the German scientist Hans Junzelheim (the mysterious doctor) had died in an accident when completing two years of top secret work for the Russians In to-day's extract from his novel of the near future Commander Sir Stephen King-Hall tells how at a critical juncture in the affairs with the American British and Russian Governments already moving to their more or less secret war headquarters Tanya finds herself unexpectedly assigned to a job that brings her in at the making of history COMRADE Tanya Subayova entered her chief's room sent for "Yes You are an interpreter in English aren't "Yes class?" You have been assgned to a speeal job A Kremlin order" an idea comrade One of their cars waiting for you now I hope I shall see you "Thank vou Comrade SKILLED SPACE -CHIMP TO MAN NEW US ROCKET Government help more apprentices Have vou ever been to Britain? No T'd like to go Have you Ye for short visits at Conferences" admit I'd like to go to tiie Wet and have a look and see how bad conditions rea'v are in tie capitalist countries I dare-sav our people exaggerate bit'' been reading Dicken" rep'ied Tanya "i 'ess up to date than thmk Whv can't 1 go to tire West0 Whv can't vou and I go to Ixjndon i Pans costs a lot "Nonser-c You dor'" beheve the answer" She lowered her voice reason is she paused took a pencil out of her bag and scribbled on the back of an envelope damn we" don't want vou to know the (' in this rabbit warren I 1 ke my news straight Te I him I want to keep mv Engish up to date He looked at her open-mouthed Mv You're a one' I've never met anyone like vou Except perhaps mv ft he-" He sounds rght to me Now buzz off and me bother your conformism entitles vow to some drink an then I continue or post-gracuate course sew of truth I think you're quite Sue tapped hm on the check Hon it! And stand gaping at me as if I come from Mars A convoy of large black cars swept out the Kremlin and headed southwest trace ling at high speed through the snow-speckled night Big Boss sitting bv himself in the second car gared moodily at the outline of the leading car Quiet on the campus A verdant view in the decaying heart of Liverpool A photograph taken from the university campus looking towards the Schools of Architecture Social Science and Education In the background is the new physics building and just out of camera-shot are districts once grand which are now fast deteriorating By Trevor Lloyd-Hughes Our Political Correspondent extension of the industrial training allowance scheme Mill be announced soon by Mr John Hare Minister of Labour The purpose will be to extend to man school-leavers the hoard lodging and travel1 available to a lalloMances now After driving out of Moscow for about an hour a'ong icy roads with an uncommunicative Major at the wheei of the car she noticed that they passe i through a number of heavi'y guarded gates and fences until they reached a small two-storied concrete building is if" said the Major hat is it? she enquired The War he reelin': be -roVv I mean it that wav Ixk here's a picture of mv wife Catherine ami little girl sweet aren't She examine the pi Charming Sorry I mean to be right have a cigarette Are vou married? up! You soon will be I bet there are ent of candidates Mostly older THE United States plans to send a four-year-old chimpanzee into space on a sub-orbital flight 290 miles down the Atlantic missile range within i about a week it was announced yesterday Too shot will be part of the Project Mercurv programme which hopes to put a man in orbit round the earth withn a year The chimpanzee weighing about forty pounds will be animals limited number of apprentices1 living away from home to learn a skilled job ifor space flight Current arc announcement bv the designed to gne trainees in KT skilled jobs approved by youth bona! Aeronautics and Space employment officers pocket niont'v of Ills 6d a week at 'be of six months Administration said chm-pantw- Mete chosen for the On Monday: Tanya meets secret weapon The fighter gets his group age of a week at to and i I 2s nd at I This is after making allowance for the cost of hoard and lodging mid-day meals laundry and fare- for distances of more than tixo miles taking into aeeount the lads wages or allowances from his employer Objects of the allowances I One ob'ert of the Covrrn-menl is to increase the mobility of labour to help undermanned industries in difficulties and to draw on surplus man-power elsewhere The present high rate of school-leavers is aggravating the problem of ensuring that potentially useful talent i- not Masted The Government are also anxious to encourage the fullest development of technical skills Britain to keep the nation abreast of scientific and export compel on in the world To this end seruor Ministers are considering a further extension of Government aid to help poorer parents to keep promising children at school until ib and eventually '8 Alreadv local councils can pay maintenance allowances to parents in need if satisfied those are required to keep a bright child at school after the perort of we ghtless-1 age of 1 ness on the chimaan'ee ti ght because their high intelligence find docility would make them outstanding performer I the conduct of complex ta-ks restricted stuaton- NASA offical said the shot could go as early as next Tuesday but that no definite tme or date had been fixed For the flight the chimpanzee 1 travel in a special! v-ctv: -t ructed space couch whch warv respects similar to the space su-t and couch which the first human astronaut is exoected to use The couch will be placed the cone shaped capsule whch has alreadv flown a successful mission down the range Too a a 1 have hoc-tramed to pul certain levers at regu i- intervals and the one chosen he called upon to do so dim rg flight to help si'eht -1 asses- its reaction such hazards o' spue fl gh: as weightlessness Tie w-h eh packed wifi instruments a-d contains seven wro and component part' i be e-! on top o' a huge Mercury -Rod -to-e rocket designed se-d HI ph and impose a four-a nd-a-ha' which wa prei-eded a group of motor-cyclmts What a What the were the Americans up And the damned Germans" And Pkov! Just before leaving the Kreni in he had trace repeated ami ineffectual attempts to ge' hold of that man That u-e'ess ass the Ambassador in East Berlin could ony ted him that Pi'kov had gone off in his our in a hirrv leafing lrructior- to have a 2: opened to London lxndon ha i demanded an trcredu ous Bag Buckingham Palace London at 1 8s eve ope snoexed and with mixed a miration Learng tow ha! whpereu: vou are a ittonst She nodded and something suggesting a spark came into her exes a' putting her mouth cose to ns ear she whispered: Or I might be an agent told to screen you But I can see you are quite sound or nearly so Aloud she said: If you and I are going to be bottled up here for there JULIE LONDON The universal symbol Killed baby after TV dispute court told DURING a quarrel with his wife ox er a television programme a twenty-one-year-old father punched hi ten-week-old baby daughter so hard that she died Mr Wlliams prosecuting said at Leicester yesterday Horace George Barrett baker of Park Vibe Road Leicester was sent for trai at Leicester 1 A'S ze accused of murdering the baby I Mr Wiliams said that in an interview Th the police Barrett --aid: "I have been too a-rnmed to tell you the Pi an alleged statement he said Mv wife and I started having rows because we never went out because of the baby Lv-t Saturday night she w-as I cry -g wh'e we were watching I telex on I decided to change I the channel and then my wife I ue ged and then I changed 1 and she changed it back again Said to have lost his temper We kept pushing each other And 1 lost mv temper She took her shoe off and hit me with it "Mv wife then went out of I the room and the babv started 1 1 cry was absolutely fed up land lost control of myself I went to the baby and punched I her three times on the side of the Northwich youth killed in crash William Gunnery aged 16 of r9 Lydyett Lane Barnton Northwich received fatal injuries when the van in which he was a passenger reversed into an obstacle The boy received injuries to his neck when the door of the vehicle Mas shut by the force of the impact splendid with Clayton's resonant bell-like trumpet tone a model for any aspirant on the instrument and Russell's clarinet absolutely wrtuosic on Pee Russell's Unique snarp and edgy at first then gently rhapsodic with feeling use even of the ar column in the instrument) it 1' the rhythm section who lift tie group into the stratosphere Why is it that these American rhythm sections so often leave their European counterparts groping and can even transform fairly pedestrian horn performances It is one of jazz life's mysteries The piano of George Woin swings and pounds with an inspired fire and the bass of Bo-f'nlan Champ Jones on Dirah is a revelation OT at this level but still 1 very good are two traditionally-orientated Paris has always been an expermentalist with New Orleans forms particularly in the u-e of varying instrumentations to lighten the two-trumpet clarinet trombone four rhythm aggregation he favours Thus tiere on That Thing Caced Love" his reed-man Garvin Bu-hell uses bassoon very effect vely to give an almost Ellmgtonian sound to the tune's introduction "Babv Won't You Please Come has collective improvisation of the highest level with fine trumpet lead from Sidney de Paris besides solid surging from Louis Bacon while Wilbur de trombone is sueet ard persuasive as any trombone should be on the slow track "Blues Ingee Chris Barber whose band so moves around the top of British polis for tradtional groups gets better time I hear him He is learning that good iazs music of arv kind depends a lot on subtlety and contrasting tone colour as as on excitement and noise So as th column has from time to time noted are other British trad bands Chris Barber In Copenhagen (Columbia 33SX 1274) illustrates that in mv view he itt not qu at summit' of traditional mu-ic but is well up the rock-face This is happy thrilling and above a infectious jazz which on'y tne carpng and could not enjoy Some surprising' good drumming may bo heard from Graham Burbidge in an extended so on tne arrangement of Stephen Foster's Beautiful Dreamer is superbly done IflG HAND swing clever and fast-moving but to me lacking the personality or or gmalitv to make it really good bizz may be heard on The Swingin' Eye London HAG-2300) bv the Zentner Orchestra Zentner is a graduate of the Les Browri-Harrv Jamos-Jmmv Dotsev school so you will knou' I mean The standard of mu ocim-htn is gh but the flame burns low iazz the last reco'd on ie books isn't anything but Julie London the sultriest huskiest and most provocative popular singer of the dav She is the universal svmbol for someone who Would Be So oe To Come Home To late and low-liahty of her sweet LP is Midnight (London HA 2299' which is certainly the right time for Miss London and it is as invariably good in its fashion as all her records have been But she will shake a few of her admirers by the flair and zing of Lonely Night in a brilliant piece of singing and orchestration It The title Around YOUR WEEK-END COMPENDIUM OF A brilliant modern Bidding artistic flame within him hardening and burning more vividly in adversity but something of the man Wilbur seems to have died He has become reminiscent of the misanthrope unapproachable and surly There is no evidence that Watkins has grown withdrawn and world-despising yet and he is obviously happier now that he has his own group coded with tenor saxophonist Charlie Rouse and called The Jazz Modes which is the name given to a pleasant if not world-shattering new LP from Fxynrton (LTZ-K 15203) ejssijsjgsssisssijsjsscisjes Watkms a so has the satisfaction having topped ih'c Rnt-si I StreeJ Rag" crtics poll in the mi see- You Itlease Come laueous instruments and otfftrs section Thougn he is a veteran de LPs representative of American and British output in 1961 de Paris is a jazz veteran- On The Wild Jazz Age LTZ-K 15201) his present-day band play the tunes he was featuring in the eleven-piece group he wa leading in Philadelphia and New York during the early can fun the onlookers be of Hastings HARRY GOLOM CHESS COLUMN have bee- JAZZ NOTEBOOK JULIUS WATKINS a French horn player who ha been bumping around in professional music since he was twenty two in 1943 is a fighter He believes almost fanatically in his instrument as a Jazz voice and not many people vvh- do the hiring or the paying share hs faith Yet he has fought for years to ay the horn in a jazz i-ontext instead of accepting a far inure comfortable and secure life as a trumpeter He compels admiration for bus integrity Not all battles against lack of recognition turn out without casualties Mbes Davis for instance has been transformed into tne finest jazz trumpeter in the world by his long sojourn in the wilderness the GAMES Bridge with St John Ingram a tuple bid of one spade tne dea of making a 1 a new sut at a higher eve! po-sihe The four hearts bid however Mas good THIS WEEK QUESTION East deals and bids one ado South two What s'ntid West siv on 9 A a 4 A 7 2 6 Insuer on Page Eleven BISHOP OF WINCHESTER TO RETIRE Dr A'wivn Petrc i Wiiams i'2-year-od Bishop i of Wrchester who bore the nickname "History wien he vvas 'lendmaster ot (Winchester College has 'announced bis mention to i tosjti his see September 0 i Dr Williams became Bishop I of Winchester HU 2 after having tx-en Bishop Durham for tturteen vea rs 1 Ta 1 builv Dr Williams was I given hs Wnchester College I nickname because of his great I ntere-t in modern history lOrdainert in 1413 he went to line col ege as assistant master 'in 1915 became second master a venr later and was head-1 master from 1924 to 1934 A double break with tradition That Mas a break from Dad lion as tie uas not an old Wykehamist Another break M-ith tradition came when hr eft Winchester to become at 4o Dean at Chris Church Ox'or-d without having been an undergraduate of the college i He was the youngest dean in the Church of Eng'and and i remained at Christ Church until 1939 I Born at Barro'v- n-Furnes educated at and Jesus Rossal! School College Oxford Elsa heroine of novel dies I El-a Hones heroine of Joy I best seller Born 'Free" has died in the Northern Province of Kenya a game department spokesman sad in Nairobi yesterday Bidding contests make good entertainment for the spectators and the recent one a He Droitw Congress was no exception At game a I So iT dei rr opened one (' He: are the hands of East -West 9 8 6 5 2 9 photograph hardly does you justice Here is your special pass This man xvill take foa doxvn to level snoxvyou your room and get jfou some tea" At the sixth level she was shown into a small and plainly furnished bedroom She suddenly realised that she had nothing beyond what she stood up in A moment later the Colonel reappeared I see brought nothing with you Didn't thev tell you you might be here for some She shook her head me how very inefficient But not my fault We simply put in our requirements to the Ministry of Defence and they mentioned Comrade Maiskov and is you comrade an interpreter You are here to do an interpreting job for a very important person as you will see But we must do something about your "I should hope so" worry Where do you She told him "Right: Give me the key of vour flat and have a woman go ard co'lect some clothes and toilet necessities Anything special you'd like Tanya hesitated Then said: a photograph by my see to it then There is an excellent library here on level four and a canteen on level five You won't need any money not much on this level except that he pointed to a heavy metal door over there a small sitting room" she pointed to the door a great secret but I suspect you are going to be privileged to see it Hello! Here's Comrade Maiskov your colleague Why don't you two go to the sitting room and wait there for some tea have sent down and get to know each other? Meanwhile I'll get your things brought out from Moscow? Tanya Subayova and the young man took his advice this is a rum state of affairs You work in the Ministry of Defence don't you? I'm there too" said Maiskov right I'm Comrade personal heard of him How did you get here?" "Same way as you did I expert bv road" "Yes I didn't imagine ycu'd come by p'ane or on foot what I mean is who sent you why are we a Kremlin lob that's all I "They didn't even tell me that I was about to go home when my boss said: needed out of and in an hour I was here I imagine what my wife must be thinking Instead of helping her with the washing up in some sort of an underground fortress with a woman" worry! You are in no danger!" know Anyhow let's tal about something there was a knock at the "Come in! Ah here comes the tea It smells damned good! Toast and caviar! My goodness they do themselves well here" told said Tanya with a slight touch of sarcasm in her voice on a Kremlin some of these big shots good if thev had to live in the flat I share xvith another couple It's simply scandalous I don't care a damn about all this space travel nonsense I'm more interested in the housing probablv find yourself interested in the Virgin Lands if you talk too much to strangers" "Oh I know you're all ore can feel it" "Thanks for the compliment" "Tel! me" continued the young man you think there is going to be a a ghastly thought isn't it-" "I couldn't care less silly to talk 'ike that You want to live don't I don't I do My God you're a queer girl It's the Americans who war: war everyone knows there is not a sou in the Soviet Union who is rot for peace! I 1 i Comrade Bug ov? Now who's being indiscreet Of course he wantsjieare It stands to reason Look at the job he got on his hands building up our economy! How oou'd he want war? You listen to his speeches don't vou? Not-so-backward Britain Do you believe ail you read or hear? she smiled at him On the whole yes My father he is a retired professor ard lives at Baku is quite different He savs the most terrib things but he's so one must make alowances Do you know what he said to me the last time I saxv him? He actually said he was a professor of economies in his day and went to Cambridge in England when he was twenty that he believed the Soviet Union wou have made as much technical progress as it has done even if there had never been a Communist Party Can you believe it Of course at his age I suppo-e one has the privilege oU talking nonsense yet he's not gaga not a hit of it do anything to get hold of English books You can't prove he's wrong can What a question! Mv dear girl the whole historv of Russia since the time of lenin shows wrong Where should we all be 'f Lenm had never serfs! That's the answer! Instead of which thanks to Tyenin you and I are eating caviar in quite comfortable surroundings mag tied and East was a ttguar partner and a county pier mu -I have had a momentary black-out Now imagine the Ann feelings when thev found they M-erC down nnt making a trick' for a TOP jrnrr Sounds amazing doe-n't Let us look at the bidd ng a the other three tables befoip look ng a the four hands i omp etc appears quite playable pro-vi ted it is fol'owed uP vigorously enough 6P-Q5 there is litt'e to be gained except a draw '-v PxP 7 QQ in 6 0-0 7 B-B4 riot the happiest square of development for this piece since it mere et courages a counter-attack by Black instead either 7 B-K3 oi B-Kta was preferable 7 Kt-R4 8 B-Kt5 P-B3 9 B-K3 P-B4 10 PxP PxP Black's last two moves form a risky manoeuvre that opens up his own King-side but otherwise he cannot hope for any counter-chances and lti any case 10 BxP would fail against 1 1 P-KKI4 11 Q-Q2 P-B5 12 B-B2 B-K4 a good move that makes room for the Knights' retreat in view of the threatened advance of tne KKt pawn 13 P-KKt4 Kt-Kt2 completely disastrous for Black would be 13 PxP PxP since then 1 4 KtxP would lose a piece by Lr Q-Kta ch 14 B-Q3 Q-R4 15 Q-B2 White is in too great a hurry to attack instead he should continue his development by 15 KKt-K2 15 P-Kt4 a bold and dashing continuation that Is designed to undermine White's centre 16 BxP oh K-R1 17 K-B1 Kt-R3 IS B-K4 Kt-Kt5 19 Q-K2 PxP 20 B-K1 Kt-Q6 21 QKt2 and not 21 BxKt PxB: 22 QxP B-R3 21 K-Ktl 22 B-Kt another impatient move that helps Black much better was 22 Kt-R3 followed by Kt-Kt5 22 R-B3 seemingly a mistake that loses the exchange but Black has a Battle LIVERY rovv and again international chess world is stirred and exhilarated by a classical sacrificial combination that provides a touch of poetry to the normal sober scientific prose of tournament play There are many famous instances 'I re for two Bishops sacrifice that McDonrel made against Labourd nnais in his great LSVjx Queer -ert match of the a little later Mo: phy's sa rifi'-e against Pail-and An iersseti's two games against Dafresne and Kieseritsky 'Ver stil ike: tort's celebrated sacrifice again -t B'ackburre at London UTi Emmanuel La-kef's double Bishop sacrifice agam-t Bauer at Amsterdam Steimtz's late masterpiece against at Hastings lfitfa Moving into this century one remembers Marshall's deliberate placing en prise of his Rook to two pawns in recognition of which the spectators are said to have flung gold coins into the tournament arena: Tnrla- kower's sacrifice of a Rook against Maroczy mee'y so a- to con'iriue his development and of course a multitude of Alekhine combinations amongst which I cherish a special affection for his intuitive piece sacrifice against Book at Margate in 1913 Now as a result of the recent Hastings Tournament the chessworid has become enriched by yet another beautiful combination and it is pleasant to be able to record that the originator and begettor of this was a home player the Durham University student Lloyd In the following game he sacrifices his Queen for two minor pieces successfully against no less a player than the Hungarian grandmaster a 1 Szabo himself no mean exponent of the imaginative sacrifice White: Szabo Black: Lloyd Queen's Pawn Indian Defence 1P-Q4PKKt3 2P-K4 B-Kt2 3P-QB4 commencing a transposition from the Robatsch Defence (which would still be a Robatsch if for example white played here 3Kt-QB3 to th Indian Defence proper 3P-Q3 4Kt-QB3Kt-KB3 5P-B3P-B4 unusual here and rather frowned uoon bv the theoreticians who prefer both 0-0 and P-K4 Nevertheless it The record raises the whole question of the French horn as a lead instrument in jazz I- there a place for it? Of course there is but perhaps it will never have the scope or possibilities of the saxophone or trumpet Tonally and in jazz function it is nearest to the trombone its main role to give depth and tone colour behind trumpet or reod instruments with ox'asional solo incursions It- main limitation is in what can otilv he called emotional range The French horn can contribute to jazz but will it e'er make a major statement in the music one that mores the listener (to tears to laughter to compulsive dancing or whatever) 1 doubt it THIE Jazz Modes st com- pleted bv piano bass and drums while on seme tracks tic baritone saxophone of Sih ienab or the or idles somewhat ethereal voice of Etieen Gilbert may also be heard Both leaders aim to expand from a quintet if possbic and to use at least one voee and tne three examples here of that use tire very effect ve Different origin and at once identifiable the Jazz Modes certain! are Tiere a great deal of charm their work (which is in its uncluttered straightforward nature a a ma i ns ream as a e'eryone has somethin to sa Rouse plays with fluenev and dr ve Walk ns is alwavs worth listening to ever when lie trying to push his instrument beyond its confines: and tine rhythm section are verv strong esnec aliv the drummer Jimmy Wormworth whose work behind the soloists on falls into tne obbligato rather than accompanist class My sDirit is soothed by Tie Modes but 1 cannot hotie-tlv sav mv imagination was often st mulatod VFbT ich stimulation impossible to ignore is more the cachet of sumo of the mainstream and traditional LPs of t'ie week The best by several streets is Xetrport Festival All Stars London LTZ-K 15202' hich Pulls together a notable clutch of ma instreamers Buck C'avton (trumpet' and Vic Dickenson 'trombone) come from the 1930s swine school of Kansas City Bud Freeman (tenor sax' and Pee Wee Russell (clarinet) come from the Dixieland camp of Chicago Yet to-day here they are playing together Mith a freshness a zest a togetherness which makes I great jazz But though the soloists are mo't beautiful surprise In sto 23 Kt-K4 23 QxB ch 24 RxQ RxB much stronger than KtxR since the Knight is worth more than the Rook in iu dominating position on Qij 25 R-Ktl rather better was Q-QB? since row tie other Knight becomes terribly active 25 Kt-KB4 26 Q-Q 2 hopeless for White is Jt PxKt RxQ 27 Kxr BxBP 28 P-KtY P-Bo Ac 26 Kt-K6 ch 27 K- K2 P-K3 28 Q-R5 B-Q2 29 Kt-R3 PxP 30 Kt (K4)-B2 Kt-Kt5: 31 Kt Q1 P-Q5 there is nothing to lie done against the advance of these centre pawns 32 Kt (R3)-B2 Kt-B3 33 Q-R6 Kt-Kt5 34 Q-R5 Q6 ch 35 Q2 P-B6 ch 36 PxP Kt-B5 ch 37 K-K1 KtxQ 38 PxKt PxP 39 KtxP Kt-B3 40 P-KR4 R-K1 41 P-R5 (R3)-K3 42 K-B2 R4 43 K-Kt2 Kt-Q5 44 Kt (QD-B2 B-QB3 45 R-R3 R-QB1 46 R-Q1 B-R5 47 KtxBP BxR White renrts a game that deserves to figure in a modern anthology of brLlianries Question Box 1 Who the new Secretary (or Defence in the American Government 2 What have the following In common A young man in a gallery Crewe Railway Station and a co*ck linnet? 3 How many Communist parties were represented at the recent Communist Summit in Moscow? 4 Who wrote The Maltese Falcon 3 In Morgan what does the stand for? 6 Name four poet who have described the underworld 7 How old was Theodore Roosevelt when he became President of the US 8 What does the second initial stand for In the following names: Eliot Gilbert Grace Priestley? 9 Who Is supposed to have died wdth the words So little done so much to 10 Who was resnons'b'e for reinstituting the Oly-wfic Games in modern times? 1 rwii'crs on Page Elcicn TABLE 5 No Dhl No 4 Db Ah pass In all rases '2 trfks were made comfort- fact 13 ran he made wh'out t'ie ainoiid ad Here the fuh dei A 6 7 3 4 AKQI A 2 A 4 I 0 6 5 I09H652 K'Jb A 2 3 1 0 8 4 Crong back to the first ddmg given West's doub is debatable as she is void in hearts and East should she ho'd tiie North hand for instance would bid four hearts which West would hate There is a lot to be sad I.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.